

So you’ve decided to learn how to play the banjo! Congratulations on choosing such a unique and exciting instrument. Whether you’ve been inspired by the soulful sounds of bluegrass or you simply want to explore a new musical avenue, learning the banjo is a rewarding journey. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll dive into the basics of banjo playing, particularly the 5 string banjo, and help you get started on your musical adventure.

The Banjo: A Brief Overview

The banjo, with its distinct twangy sound, is a stringed musical instrument that originated in Africa and was brought to America by enslaved people. It has been an integral part of American folk and bluegrass music for centuries. The banjo typically has a round body made of wood or metal, a long neck, and five strings stretched over a bridge. The most common type of banjo you’ll encounter as a beginner is the 5 string banjo.

Choosing a Banjo

Before we delve into playing the banjo, it’s important to have the right instrument in your hands. When choosing a banjo, consider your budget, playing style, and personal preferences. There are various types of banjos available, including open-back, resonator, and electric banjos.

As a beginner, opting for a 5 string banjo would be your best bet. This type of banjo allows you to explore a wide range of musical styles and is commonly used in bluegrass, folk, and old-time music. Look for a banjo that is well-constructed, has good tonal qualities, and feels comfortable in your hands. Don’t be afraid to visit a music store and try out different banjos before making your purchase.

Getting Started with the 5 String Banjo

Now that you have your banjo ready, let’s start playing! Here are some essential steps to get you started on your banjo journey:

1. Tuning the Banjo

The first step in playing any instrument is tuning it. The 5 string banjo is typically tuned to a standard open G tuning (G D G B D). You can use an electronic tuner or a tuning app to help you achieve the correct pitch for each string. Make sure to tune your banjo before every practice session to ensure a pleasant experience.

2. Understanding the Basics of Playing

The banjo is played by plucking or strumming the strings with your fingers or using a pick. Your right hand is responsible for striking the strings, while your left hand presses the strings against the frets to produce different notes. Start by getting comfortable with basic plucking patterns and simple chords. Practice proper finger placement and hand positioning to build a solid foundation.

3. Mastering Basic Techniques

As a banjo player, it’s crucial to develop a solid foundation in basic techniques. Some fundamental techniques to focus on include:

  • Scruggs Style: Named after Earl Scruggs, this three-finger picking technique involves using your thumb, index, and middle fingers to create a rolling, melodic sound.
  • Choking the Strings: This technique involves muting the strings with the palm of your hand while strumming or picking to create percussive effects.
  • Slides and Hammer-ons: Slides involve smoothly transitioning from one note to another by sliding your finger up or down the fretboard, while hammer-ons involve tapping a finger on a string to produce a sound without plucking it.

4. Learning Songs and Melodies

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the basics, it’s time to start playing actual music! Start by learning simple melodies or popular banjo songs that you enjoy. There are plenty of online tutorials, sheet music, and instructional books available to guide you along the way. Practice regularly and gradually challenge yourself by tackling more complex tunes.


Learning the banjo, particularly the 5 string banjo, opens up a world of rich sounds and musical possibilities. As a beginner, take your time to choose the right banjo and dedicate yourself to learning the basics. Practice regularly, be patient with yourself, and most importantly, have fun! With time and dedication, you’ll soon be picking and strumming your way to banjo greatness. Enjoy the journey!