Learn Openback Banjo Online
Learn Openback Banjo Online

Learn Openback Banjo Online

Finding an instructor when learning banjo can be crucial. Your time with them will be essential in reaching a satisfactory playing level; unfortunately this may come at a price tag.

Your basic banjo needs include an excellent instrument and some essential accessories such as a case and tuner; these items can be found both online and in music stores.

Learning online

Online banjo lessons provide a convenient and flexible method of acquiring this instrument at your own pace, typically more economically than in-person lessons and providing more flexible scheduling. They also feature video lessons and sheet music as useful learning tools that can help make you an improved banjo player with better technique.

Noam Pikelny, a Grammy Award-winning banjoist who offers online courses to share his unique tones and techniques, offers his ArtistWorks course which offers videos, tabs and play-along tracks as part of a comprehensive library for learning banjo music.

Gold Pick Members gain access to an ever-expanding library of video and audio lessons for every level of playing – from beginners through experts. Each lesson focuses on specific skills; for instance, Beginner 5 String Banjo provides fundamental lessons while Advanced Banjo Lessons specialize in 3-Finger Scruggs style melodic playing.

Finding a teacher

Finding the appropriate teacher when learning any instrument is of utmost importance; finding your ideal banjo tutor will ensure the most successful start possible to your banjo playing career. With both face to face and online options available to suit every learning style.

Most courses provide lifetime access and come with certificates of completion, while you may find many that allow direct communication with instructors via video call platforms like Skype.

ArtistWorks provides an affordable banjo course tailored for beginners interested in bluegrass style banjo playing. Their course offers one year of lessons, video exchange library access and interaction with teachers; making this an excellent starting point. In addition, ArtistWorks also offers courses covering other instruments, such as guitar and bass.

Choosing a banjo

Banjos are great musical instruments to learn how to play, but choosing one that meets both your budget and aesthetic requirements can be challenging. There are various models out there; finding your ideal banjo may take some time but becoming familiar with its basic rules will make the search much simpler.

First step when purchasing a banjo is identifying its intended musical use and type of strings you require for playing it. Also important is deciding between an open back or closed back version.

Closed-back banjos feature resonators which project sound toward an audience and are usually utilized in bluegrass music. Open-back banjos on the other hand feature an open sound chamber and are often played using thumbpicks or special plastic picks that fit over fingers for clawhammer style music.

Getting started

Beginning to learn banjo can be daunting for newcomers. While novices might wonder whether prior musical experience is required to master this instrument, most teaching materials are designed with no experience necessary in mind. The first step in learning banjo should be purchasing an open-backed banjo as these models tend to be lighter and cheaper; additionally, some require specific tuning requirements which might make learning them difficult for beginners.

Electronic tuners, which can be purchased for under $20, will also be necessary. Tuning the banjo correctly is key as it makes the instrument sound much better and will also help identify what might be off with your technique – something a banjo not tuned correctly can do. A banjo out of tune can sound dull and lifeless which can be very discouraging to beginners just starting out!