Bluegrass Resonator Banjos
Bluegrass Resonator Banjos

Bluegrass Resonator Banjos

Resonator Banjos

Rare is the bluegrass banjo without its own resonator. Resonator banjos come in various price ranges and use various metals, woods, tone rings and flange construction methods.

Considering both your budget and resale value when selecting a resonator banjo is essential when making the selection process easier. Removing its resonator is relatively painless and significantly reduces sound distortion.

Scale Length

If you want to start playing banjo but lack the budget for an expensive full-scale instrument, consider a short-scale resonator banjo instead. These instruments feature 22 frets with an approximate scale length of around 25.5 inches and may be tuned either open G (gDGBD) or open D (f#DF#AD).

Beginners often find a shorter scale length easier for fingering the initial few notes on the neck, making learning to play easier and reducing string tension stress, which in turn may reduce breakage or re-tuning issues.

Gold Tone and Deering offer affordable short-scale resonator banjos made in the US at an attractive price point, featuring tone rings and resonators for beginners or picking sessions on road trips. Some players even keep them handy in their car for “car banjo” sessions!

Fretboard Material

Fretboards on banjos typically consist of dense hardwoods like maple or mahogany; however, some banjos feature fingerboards constructed of walnut or other exotic materials in order to achieve different sounds and feels.

A banjo’s neck features a truss rod which runs from its base in the peghead (accessible by taking off its cover) all the way through its length to its heel, providing an adjustable way of “bend” or “bounce”, helping keep strings in tune with each other.

Resonator banjos feature a resonator plate at the back of their pot assembly to amplify and project sound forward; open back banjos don’t have resonators and are typically utilized for clawhammer style playing.


This banjo features an open resonator which allows its strings to vibrate freely, producing a brighter sound that’s ideal for bluegrass music and other styles requiring loud instruments. Additionally, its open design makes it accessible and suitable for beginners who wish to join other musicians or join an ensemble.

It comes equipped with a 24 hook brass tension hoop to help ensure an even tone across the banjo head, something commonly found on more expensive banjos but which could save you from replacing your banjo head due to uneven tension issues.

Some may claim this banjo sounds as good as more expensive options, but that depends entirely on its player and set-up. All banjos require consistent maintenance for optimal sound production.


Resonators add an impressive, full sound to banjo music, making them popular choice for bluegrass music. They can also produce louder notes than standard banjos – which makes it suitable for bluegrass performances.

Shopping carefully is crucial when searching for a banjo that fits both your comfort and budget requirements. While a single subpar tuning peg may not pose too many problems, an abundance of them could indicate substandard materials or past abuse of the instrument.

Resonator banjo bridges can have an enormous influence on their tone. High-frequency formants play an integral part of sound creation; Bridge Wood Comparisons compares eight bridges of equal height, weight and species – but with distinct designs and grain patterns.


Resonator Banjos tend to be louder than open back banjos, making them suitable for bluegrass styles using three finger picks but too loud for clawhammer and old-time playing styles. Their resonator can be removed for further quietening; this feature can come in handy for living in dorms where noise control needs are paramount.

Some buyers of this instrument have noted that it requires some assembly, but this should come as no surprise for an instrument in this price range. Furthermore, as with all mass market instruments, this banjo requires regular care and maintenance for optimal performance – keeping it clean, lubricated, and in good working order will help maintain clear and crisp sound quality.